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Ainsleigh Frye

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My name is Ainsleigh Frye and I am an All Star Cheerleader from Ashland, Va. I am 8 years old, last January my whole world was turned upside down when I found my dad who had lost his life to Suicide. He was my best friend, my hero and the best fisherman in Caroline!

I lost my smile, my happiness, and myself when I lost my daddy. Mommy wanted to help so she put me in tumbling at Cheer Extreme Richmond, I loved it and I wanted to try out for a team. This is the start of my second season and I have the opportunity to represent 2 teams Pink Panthers and Royal Crowns. This is so exciting to me because I work very hard. I go to the gym everyday! I finally found myself, my smile, my confidence and best of all my Teal Family. I am asking for help to support my journey as a cheerleader to grow and make my daddy in heaven proud. I am trying to raise $7,000, so that I can continue pursuing my passion, cheerleading. I am training hard and doing whatever I can to keep getting better.

I need all the help I can get. I would appreciate your support in the form of a small contribution to this fundraiser or a simple share on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc..). I will do my best to keep you updated on my training progress and my ups and downs on the road to success.


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